Friday, December 26, 2008
The new name of Nonsense - Ghajini!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sire, it is not a revolt - it is a revolution!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
MNS - Did somebody just say Maharashtra NaistoNabood Sena??
Thursday, October 23, 2008
We the People - And the "Kucch nahin ho sakta" syndrome.
How many times have you heard this pet hindustani paraphrase "Kya Karein???" a.k.a "Kucch nahi kar sakte" a.k.a "Kucch nahin ho sakta".Let me be more clear-cut, how many times have you uttered this.What!.....................lost the count, haven't you? Useless government-Kucch nahin ho sakta, exorbitant fees-Kucch nahin ho sakta, bad roads-Kucch nahin ho sakta, no electricity-Kucch nahin ho sakta, bomb blasts-Kucch nahin ho sakta........the list is endless.If you want an answer as to why India, after 60 years of independence and with an unparalleled storehouse of human resources, struggles to become a First World Country, just read the Italicized words carefully.It is because of you...............and me.....................and everybody around us, that we are in such a sorry state.Yet, after heartily slandering and blaming all the man-made and natural forces around us, we go to bed as a contented being-"Kya Karein, Kucch nahi kar sakte???"
The problem is in our outlook and to an extent in our social upbringing - An upbringing of escapism,hopelessness and adjustment.We have learnt that if the environment is not conducive then- step1>Stay calm, step 2> close your eyes, step 3> turn around and the final step> find the quickest way to the patliest gali to get out. OR. Single shot solution- adjust with them. Have you seen "A Wednesday???" Naserrudin Shah in his conversation with Anupam Kher points out a congenital discrepency in our charaters - We learn to adjust or adapt too fast.Electricity-adapt,water-adapt, and now bomb blasts-adapt.Change does not come till we desire it , and it's a popular notion that Indians are very resistive to change.Change is......errrr...............boooooooooooooooooring????? How about a story.Yes!,thats a good idea, let's see HOW THINGS CHANGE with a story instead of this insipid essay.......................hopefully in my next Blog post!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Story of the Indian Average II - The Six Stigma
Story of The Indian Average
Many of you must be thinking about this silly name, "Me,Tea & Society", aren't you? This is not just a name, rather the definition of my life ......the life of an average person who's shuttling between his dreams...ahhhh no!....not dreams...ummm....visions! yeah visions,this sounds good! so, shuttling between his visions, a sometimes friend and sometimes fiend society, and (his armory) cups of tea.
This blog will give you a peek into the life of an average person.........(average person??? Who wants to know about average people?) his thoughts, his ideas (afterall I am the writer of this blog).Well, my friend if you would have understood what average is, you would have become Gautam Buddha by now.He died, or should I say, became immortal teaching us the art of becoming average.Let's just try to have a look what the Indian Average is:
When you are in India, being average is as good as being dead.Every single person and every single parent views his son/daughter as the avant garde heir of their family lineage,(preferrably settled in America). People, like you an me, are sucked into a grotesque gruelling machine, known as "Career".I am not discouraging you to pursue a! no!......not at all! What I am talking about, is the career that you pursue on behalf of your parents, and also for the society that you live in.
The typical life track for educated Indian teens, professed and implemented even before their birth is:
School->Junior college->engineer->MBA or MS ->America->Life Successful! (If any Americans are reading this,probably now they will understand why every tom,dick and harry from India comes to their country for education.Note for Indians:Sorry mates, no offence!)
Why America???........well, you don't remain average after that.You become a Non-Resident Indian man. You get all the good girls to marry plus big dowry plus status plus resplendent visages of your parents, and that's so fucking cool! Afterall, for us (excluding a few imbeciles like me!) Money is God and America is Heaven,and we all want to leave for the heavenly abode,don't we?(LOL!)
What we forget, is that in this rat-race, we gain the world but we loose ourselves.The pursuit of intelligence makes us loose the innocence.In the world of cut throat competition we become a mercenary,who will slit the throats of anybody and everybody coming between him and his success, but it will be just a matter of time before somebody comes and slits his own throat.Rather than earn and learn we earn and burn, and the ones who don't are the imbeciles like the ones in the bracket.This is the story of the average Indian.........a good-for-nothing of the society.